Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

------>READ THIS<------ :] [:

Have you ever wondered if just maybe you are not as smart as you think well now is the time to ask yourself because this quiz will give you THE ultimate answer!

1.) What type of muscle surrounds the heart?
A. Involuntary [ ]+2
B. Voluntary [ ]+1
C. None of the above [ ]+1
Total points =

2.) What is the strongest bone in the body? (other than the skull.)
A. Phalanges (finger bones) [ ] +1
B. Femur ( Leg Bone) [ ]+2
C. Ribs [ ]+1
Total points =

3.) When you are walking down the street and you see a stranger following you and he starts running what do you do?
A. Run as fast as you can. [ ]+1
B. Call the cops and stay where you are [ ]+2
C. Stall the stranger and wait. [ ]+1
D. Run, hide, and then call the cops. [ ]+2
Total points=

1-3=Pretty smart 4-6=Awesome

Monday, May 19, 2008


OMG school is almost out i cant believe it!!!
im going to be out in the sun everyday all day.
what will you be doing?
thats gonna be my next poll so be ready to vote!!!

[: <----- ]: <----- [: <----- ]: <-----

VOTE [: <----- <------ NOW

VOTE PLEASE................
I have a poll for a reason and i intend to have it used. lol

[: <----- ]: <----- [: <----- ]:

Thursday, May 15, 2008

How Technology Affects My Life!

How Technology Affects My Life

Technology has affected my life in many ways. I know a lot more than i did a long time ago, now i can enter many different things, i can write papers faster and i can open new pages faster than ever before. I know it may seem weird to take this class cause you think you know everything there is to know but you really don't. I realized that when i started.
This class will help you dramatically in all schools it also surprisingly helps you type a lot faster than you did before you started. I know that because i am now typing 145 words per minute i was typing 100. But i cant guarantee it cause everyone is different.This is how technology affects my life!